Best Android apps for:
Kavalan sos

Welcome to our page dedicated to the best Android apps for the keyword "Kavalan SOS". We have researched and carefully selected the best apps related to this keyword to make your search easier. These apps have been chosen for their features, user-friendliness, and popularity. Whether you are looking for the best way to contact emergency services or an app that can give you more information about the Kavalan SOS program, we have got you covered. Read on to find out which of these apps can help you make the most of the innovative Kavalan SOS system.

SOS Autoroute: on-board emergency call service No need to walk to the nearest emergency call station if you experience a breakdown, an accident or any other difficulty during your journey on French motorways. The free...

ICE : Complete Personal Safety App Emergency situation never come with early warning. Before it comes, Be Prepared. ICE(In Case of Emergency) is designed to keep you and your friends and family safer 24/7. It's packed with ultimate features...

SOS Whistle[Function] ・Whistle feature ・Wright function (boot from menu button) The whistle sound is played when pressed. stop if you press the button again.[How] When you start the application of SOS Whistle ...

TNPolice CUG Application contains Tamil Nadu Police Personnel CUG mobile numbers. You can find Police Person by searching Phone number. Make call or SMS from contact page. You can use easy search within selected group to filter within the group...

ABOUT THE HELPAGE SOS APP The HelpAge SOS ‘Save Our Seniors’ App seeks to provide Emergency, Information and Market access critical for the Indian Elders. The App serves as a one-stop security measure for...

HandHelp™ - the first barrier-free emergency call app for all cases of emergency to transmitting direct alarm of course to persons of your trust - because in an emergency every second counts! Also a direct alarm to police*, fire brigade*,...

LED Flashlight HD plus SOS is the coolest flashlight app on the market. Use it to find your keys or light up the hallway when returning home. Why use this Droid light app when there are so many others out there? - It is one of...

The International SOS Assistance App is an essential tool that helps you make the most of your International SOS membership and is available exclusively to members whose organization offers the app to their...

SOS Mobile offers quick and secure alerting in an emergency. The application offers both deliberate and automatic emergency call functions and ensures quick assistance by automatically forwarding information about the person in need...

SOS APP sending your coordinates and voice message on email address you set.This simple application can help you in hard situation and let know your friends or family where are you and what is wrong with you.Help me improve stable...

This SOS App can save your life! * The free smartphone SOS App "GPS Bodyguard®" for Android is currently the App with the most functions on market to send automatically SOS SMS with GPS...

App for exclusive use in Spain that can save your live in dangerous situations. The citizens are communicated with the emergency services sending their localization and making a telephone call.Designed for hearing and speech disabled people,...

The citizens can download the app and access the following five services through their mobile, namely1. Register Online Complaints2. Know the Status of Registered Complaints3. Know the Status of the FIR of their interest4. Know the Status of the CSR...

Like all other survival techniques, signaling for help is a skill you should practice before you actually have to use it. If you ever find yourself lost, use this SOS APP to signaling for rescue is an option you should...

Are you lost in the woods?Did you have an accident in the middle of nowhere?Did your plane crash in the mountains?Have you ended on a desert island?This APP has stored the international aid signals SOS, any passerby and rescue teams...

Send an SOS alert with your location to your emergency contact instantly! Alerts can be received via text, email, audio message or call. Pre-load your SOS message and send to up to 5 contacts. The...

The Emergency App Bergrettung Tirol operated by Leitstelle Tirol GmbH has been especially developed for emergencies in alpine regions in Tyrol, therefore it can be used in Tyrol only. The app enables – in case of acute emergency - the...

SOS Emergency Button let you in an emergency, such as accidents occur when hiking, or get lost at the forest or outdoor place, you can press the button, then the phone will quickly send an emergency message to and call your...

South Africa has a unique situation, with numerous emergency service providers, from both the public and private sector, offering emergency SOS assistance in case of a medical, rescue, fire, police, security or roadside...

Being stalked, harassed? Working at odd hours? or just feeling threatened? Now use eyewatch women to protect you with help of your protectors-parents/spouse or friends.Anytime you feel threatened, use Eyewatch to send your location, and audio video...

This is my version of flashlight app,If you want try itIt is all freeEnjoy! Features: - Strobe/Blinking mode - Swipe to change the frequency - Screen Light: uses your full screen as a light source (works on all devices) with more than 16 Million of...

Are you feeling unsafe? Concerned about your safety or the safety of your family members? Are you worried about your children when they go to school? Get out of trouble with a single click. Whether you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment or...

Emergency messenger is a life-saving app. It helps you when you fall in trouble or in danger zone. Emergency messenger can even save your life while you are attacked by perpetrators, Hijackers by sending your instant location to your trusted person....

Need Help?Tap The App. Direct-to-Family Alert system instantly arranges who's helping. Our automated emergency alert system (NOT your phone) instantly calls and texts everyone. Free for 30 days, you choose to upgrade. Traditional alert...

SOS is a personal security application that sends an SOS alert along with your GPS location and user message. Your contacts can be added to your phone’s contact list or manually. SOS emergency contacts can be...

SOS life & service SOS life and service - the app that can save you. The SOS application is an advanced emergency application that can save you when you and / or your beloved ones, when encounter two kinds...

Are you ever worried about your or your family’s safety? Does having peace of mind appeal to you? Do you have family that worry about your wellbeing? Our Emergency SOS alert app has been designed for you! The Emergency... is the first service worldwide to significantly accelerate the dispatch of emergency services. By utilizing the latest technology, has generated a time savings of several hours—a result...

The classic paper and pen game we played at school, now for your mobile and tablet. The SOS game is also known as OSO in Spanish. This is a game similar to tic tac toe for two players in which the word SOS must be...

The SOS QR app will help you be prepared and stay safe during an emergency, either at home or when traveling around the world, with: a one-touch SOS and OK buttons that alert your emergency contacts with your GPS...

Police jobs are to maintain order, enforce the law, and to prevent & detect crime, protect the people and make people feel safe. Since,Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB Exams) recruitment of Grade II Police Constable,...

Pocket SOS is the Swiss Army Knife for emergency services and personal assistance, to have absolutely on all phones or in all pockets ! The application is fully customizable to fit all needs. Pocket SOS Widgets...

The 112 app gives security to everyone living or staying in Sweden. With the 112 app you can: · Get ​​information in the event of an accident or fire in your vicinity · Receive VMA (Important Notice to the Public) and other similar crisis...

This app combines a flashlight and a timer, which can be set for up to 3 hours. Many other features have been installed. Strobes, screen lights and police siren are also available. Screen lights appear in a variety of colors, brightness is...

"APP SOS " Power By "Security Online Solutions" THE ALL IN ONE SECURITY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION! Monitor your Team attendance, regular shift activities, incidents, internal issues and guard tours, inspections in...

Set up groups for family and friends. When in danger anyone in your groups can press the power button quickly and repeatedly (a few times until the phone vibrates) to send an SOS. Everyone in the groups they are in will receive an...

SOS can save your life. It is an application that notifies the number that you specify by sending an SMS with your exact position via GPS (it includes triangulation by the telephony antennas). In addition, if after the established...

With "SOS Call" you can call all the emergency numbers (Police, Medical, Firefighter...) in many countries. Maybe you don't need it now, but when you go to a foreign country on holiday or for work you'll have all the emergency...

This is a global personal safety smart SOS application which is useful for Women, Men, Children and Senior Citizens across the globe. Here are the most important features: 1. You will be able to share your location and route in...

Listen to SOS Radio LIVE on your Android device! SOS Radio streams Christian music & conversation for free! See a live stream of what you hear on-air! Listen to SOS Radio podcasts & audio on demand...

With SOS app, you can share via WhatsApp, text message or with the application you prefer, a link to your current position. In addition, you can directly call the emergency services or find your position on a map. *...

SOS Direct app lets you search for emergency contact numbers in India. It also provides a list of hospitals, police stations and other important addresses city wise and also let's you find the route from your location to the...

Always carry with you a SimpleTorch that will lighten your way wherever you are. This simple app turns on the LED flash on your device and allows you to use it as a flashlight or torch. You will also be alble to use the torch as an emergency...

An android mobile application specially built for Trichy people to give facilities such as locked home monitoring system, E-compliant portal,Trichy live, Trichy Police stations and officers details for Trichy people launched by Trichy District...

Witness or victim of a disaster (road accidents, building fires or crises and diseases) in a place that you have difficulty recognizing? Do you no longer have the emergency number of the police, or the fire brigade in mind? More worry to be done....

The phone lets you use the photo light of the camera as a handheld light. Light and sound. Signal. Makes the screen white and turns it into a light source. The flasher turns the light on and off with the desired time.

1. Online Complaints 2. Users especially women can use the app to report emergencies. Immediately Madurai City Police gets SMS with users location data. Madurai City Police will immediately contact the user and visit his/her location 3. Madurai...

An android mobile application specially built for Madurai people to give facilities such as locked home monitoring system, E-compliant portal, Madurai Police stations and officers details for Madurai people launched by Madurai District police.

An android mobile application specially built for Theni people to give facilities such as locked home monitoring system, E-compliant portal,Theni live, Theni Police stations and officers details for Theni people launched by Theni District police.

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Kavalan sos app download